Forged In Blood

this site at the moment is under construction, it is at the moment to help with timezones and guild information

 We have taken notice that many people have been randomly asking to join the guild or for some reason ask you to join them to the guild, inless specified that they are a alt of someone in the guild or someone they know, be very cautious with them for people like bluebunnies, who has time after time tricked some of us at one point into doing something for 'it'(for no one knows if he or she) anyways, just be abit aware of what goes around

when inviting people  into the guild, please watch for bank robbers, we know you dont catch them all the time(like watch for the lower levels like 1-40) but if the lower levels  take something, and they won't pay it back it will be  coming out of of your own pockets

the higher levels have been running alot of the lower levels through dungeons of lately, we suggest creating a dungeon on the calender so you can get people around your level to go and do the dungeon with you, so you all lvl more as a whole then just one person at a time

we also suggest to everyone that they get vent(ventrilo) we have tons of fun on it and you get to know each other better so please download ventrilo, mics are not required, but we always would like to hear your opions(and your voice haha) should be able to cut and paste into your website)

we also suggest that you train your cooking, first aid, and fishing for it does help you in the long run and can be a problem for you in the future(costing big bucks)

We hope to be filling the calender with events shortly, but your oppion does count, we will take suggestions for events(parties, raids, mount races) all oppions matter and we would be glad to hear from you

this webpage is brought to you by the princes, princesses, kings,queens, and council of Forged in Blood



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